As a modern society, it is no longer the evolution of a “normal life span” defined as reproduction and then decline to old age. This trajectory has changed in Western society. We can have a second adult life instead of deterioration. Many choose to raise families, while others pursue other paths. No matter the choices, or what’s placed before us, we can be cognizant of each stage in life. We can have a second adult life! The cultural norm has been the juxtaposition where youth is worshipped and aged are dismissed. We can take our power back and define our own value and reject cultural norms of age, no matter the age. Celebrating and moving from one transition to another in a mindful way is empowering.

Ritual and ceremony are powerful, focused ways to work with spirits and ancestors, individually, in groups, and communities. If you feel called to create a ritual or ceremony, I will work collaboratively with you, using guidance from dreams, intuition, and shamanic journeys to allow you to meet the situation in the best way possible. For example, a client who was going through a major life transition dreamed a specific ritual. Together, we re-enacted the ritual, allowing her to move through her changes with greater ease. These rituals and ceremonies bring families closer whether through birth or death process or spiritual death and rebirth.
Types of Ceremonies
• Age transitions • Death/dying/permanent loss • Marriage • Starting over: Divorce/remarriage • Spiritual initiations • New mother ceremony • Menses ceremony • Mentor/mentee • Stagnation: rigidity • Aging: spiritual life for integration and authenticity

Traditional Rites of Passage:
• Birth, puberty, or coming of age. • Commitment or marriage to a partner or spouse • Initiation as a crone/elder, • Individuals, family, community and/or land healing • Release a relationship or way of living that no longer serves us • Celebrating new gifts • Making a formal commitment to a life path
Contact Terry